Digital Marketing Expert

saeid seifi

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Why Responsive Website Design Matters in 2023
Website Design

Why Responsive Website Design Matters in 2023

In 2023, a responsive website design is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity. Discover why responsive design matters and how it can impact your business’s online success.

Boosting Your Online Presence SEO Tips and Tricks

Boosting Your Online Presence: SEO Tips and Tricks

Learn how to boost your online presence with our expert SEO tips and tricks. From understanding keywords to building quality links, we cover everything you need to know about SEO.

I am Saeid Seifi, web designer, developer, and digital marketer. With over 20 years of experience, I have successfully launched more than 200 websites and 10 brands. I am fluent in Farsi and English, and I use a translator for important projects. I have chosen to work in the international market and have collaborated with clients from various countries, including Germany, England, Canada, America, Sweden, Turkey, and Armenia.

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